Winnovative HTML to PDF Converter

FontCollectionAdd Method

Winnovative HTML to PDF Converter for .NET Documentation
Overload List

Public methodAdd(Byte)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. The font is created from the specified font data. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAdd(Font)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAdd(PdfFont)
Adds a PDF font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAdd(StandardCJKFont)
Adds a standard CJK font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAdd(StdFontBaseFamily)
Adds a standard font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAdd(String)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. The font is created from the specified file. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAdd(Font, Boolean)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The embedFont property says if the added font will be embedded into the PDF document
Public methodAdd(Byte, Single, FontStyle)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. The font is created from the specified font data with the specified style. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAdd(String, Single, FontStyle)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. The font is created from the specified file with the specified style. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
See Also
