Winnovative PDF Images Extractor Documentation

PdfImagesExtractor Methods

Winnovative PDF Images Extractor

The PdfImagesExtractor type exposes the following members.


Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExtractImages(Byte)
Extract the images from all the pages in a PDF document to image objects
Public methodExtractImages(Stream)
Extract the images from all the pages of PDF document in a stream to image objects
Public methodExtractImages(String)
Extract the images from all the pages of a PDF file to image objects
Public methodExtractImages(Byte, Int32)
Extract the images from the pages of a PDF document to image objects starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document
Public methodExtractImages(Stream, Int32)
Extract the images from the pages of a PDF document in a stream to image objects starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document
Public methodExtractImages(String, Int32)
Extract the images from the pages of a PDF file to image objects starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document
Public methodExtractImages(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF document to image objects
Public methodExtractImages(Stream, Int32, Int32)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF document in a stream to image objects
Public methodExtractImages(String, Int32, Int32)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF file to image objects
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(Byte)
Extract the images from all the pages in a PDF document to image objects and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(Stream)
Extract the images from all the pages of PDF document in a stream to image objects and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(String)
Extract the images from all the pages of a PDF file to image objects and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(Byte, Int32)
Extract the images from pages of a PDF document to image objects starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(Stream, Int32)
Extract the images from pages of a PDF document in a stream to image objects starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(String, Int32)
Extract the images from pages of a PDF file to image objects starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF document to image objects and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(Stream, Int32, Int32)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF document in a stream to image objects and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesInEvent(String, Int32, Int32)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF file to image objects and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(Byte, String, String)
Extract the images from all the pages in a PDF document to image files
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(Stream, String, String)
Extract the images from the pages of PDF document in a stream to image files
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(String, String, String)
Extract the images from all the pages of a PDF file to image files
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(Byte, Int32, String, String)
Extract the images from a PDF document to image files starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(Stream, Int32, String, String)
Extract the images from the pages of a PDF document in a stream to image files starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(String, Int32, String, String)
Extract the images from the pages of a PDF file to image files starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(Byte, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF document to image files
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(Stream, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF document in a stream to image files
Public methodExtractImagesToFile(String, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Extract the images from a range of pages of a PDF file to image files
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetPageCount(Byte)
Gets the number of PDF pages of a PDF document
Public methodGetPageCount(Stream)
Gets the number of pages of a PDF document in a stream
Public methodGetPageCount(String)
Gets the number of PDF pages of a PDF file
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also
