Winnovative PDF to Text Documentation

PdfToTextConverter Properties

Winnovative PDF to Text

The PdfToTextConverter type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAddHtmlMetaTags
A flag indicating if the converter should wrap the resulted text in a HTML document. The default value is false
Public propertyHtmlCharset
The charset of the HTML document wrapping the resulted text
Public propertyImpersonationOptions
The impersonation options used during tool execution
Public propertyLayout
The text layout in the resulted text document
Public propertyLicenseKey
Gets or sets the license key string received from vendor. If this property is null the tool will automatically enter in evaluation mode
Public propertyMarkPageBreaks
A flag indicating if the page breaks should be marked by PAGE_BREAK_MARK special character in the resulted PDF document. The default value is false
Public propertyOwnerPassword
The owner password to be used to open a password protected PDF document
Public propertyStatic memberPAGE_BREAK_MARK
The special character to mark the PDF pages in the resulted PDF document
Public propertyPdfDocumentInfo
Gets the object encapsulating the PDF document properties. This objects is populated after tool execution finished
Public propertyPdfToolFullPath
Sets the full path of the .dat resource file. By default this file is expected to be found in the same folder with .dll assembly
Public propertyRunTimeoutSec
The maximum time allowed for this tool to run
Public propertyUserPassword
The user password to be used to open a password protected PDF document
See Also
