Winnovative RTF to PDF Converter Library for .NET Documentation

PdfCompressionLevel Enumeration

Winnovative RTF to PDF Converter Library for .NET
Winnovative RTF to PDF Converter Library for .NET
This enumration represents the possible compression levels that can be used in the PDF documents created by the RTF to PDF library

Namespace:  Winnovative.WnvRtfToPdf
Assembly:  wnvrtftopdf (in wnvrtftopdf.dll) Version: (

public enum PdfCompressionLevel

  Member nameValueDescription
AboveNormal0 Better compression but takes more time to compress
BelowNormal1 Something middle between normal and BestSpeed compressions
Best2 Use the best compression but takes more time to compress
BestSpeed3 The compression speed is high but the compression percentage is low
NoCompression4 Does not do any compression
Normal5 Use normal compression, a balance between compression speed and resulted size
See Also
