The ImageElement type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AfterRenderPdfPageEvent |
The event is raised right after the Image Element finished PDF page rendering. The PDF page configuration like
size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed.
In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the foreground of the rendered PDF page.
| |
BeforeRenderPdfPageEvent |
The event is raised right before the page is rendered by Image element. The PDF page configuration like
size, orientation, header or footer is already defined and cannot be changed.
In the handler of this event PDF elements can be added in the background of the PDF page to be rendered.
| |
PrepareRenderPdfPageEvent |
The event is raised after the Image element created the PDF page and before starting rendering it.
In the handler of this event the PDF page configuration like size, orientation, header or footer can still be changed
before starting rendering.
See Also