Winnovative Word to PDF Converter

WordToPdfConverter Properties

Winnovative Word to PDF Converter Documentation

The WordToPdfConverter type exposes the following members.


Public propertyLicenseKey
Gets or sets the license key string received from the vendor in Word to PDF converter. If this property is null the converter will automatically enter in evaluation mode and a demo watermark will be displayed on the generated PDF document.
Public propertyStatic memberPdfConverterConcurrencyLevel
This static parameter gives the maximum number of threads in the current .NET application domain that can convert Word to PDF simultaneously. This parameter must be set before the first conversion performed in the current application domain. When this property is set with a negative value or zero the concurrency level is maximum. The default value is 4.
Public propertyPdfDocumentInfo
Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document information like the document title, author, subject or creation date.
Public propertyPdfDocumentOptions
Gets a reference to the object controlling the conversion process and the generated PDF document properties. This property can be used to control the PDF document margins, PDF compression level, JPEG compression level, the PDF page size and orientation, the PDF document headers and footers, true type fonts embedding, fit width and stretch to fit, conversion to a single PDF page, append or prepend external PDF documents.
Public propertyPdfFooterOptions
Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document footer options. The footer is displayed in the generated PDF document only if the ShowFooter property is true.
Public propertyPdfHeaderOptions
Gets a reference to an object to control the generated PDF document header options. The header is displayed in the generated PDF document only if the ShowHeader property is true.
Public propertyPdfSecurityOptions
Gets a reference to the object to controlling the generated PDF document security settings like user and owner password, restrict printing or editing of the generated PDF document.
Public propertyPdfViewerPreferences
Gets a reference to the object controlling how the generated PDF is displayed by a PDF viewer.
See Also
