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PdfImagesExtractorExtractImagesInEvent Method (Stream, Int32)

Winnovative Client for .NET Framework
Extract the images from pages of a PDF document in a stream to image objects starting from a given PDF page number to the end of the PDF document and raises the ImageExtractedEvent event immediately after an image was extracted from a PDF page. The event handler argument contains a reference to extracted image object. You are responsible for disposing the extracted image object by calling its Dispose method when it is not needed anymore

Namespace:  WinnovativeClient
Assembly:  WinnovativeClient (in WinnovativeClient.dll) Version: (

public void ExtractImagesInEvent(
	Stream pdfStream,
	int startPageNumber


Type: System.IOStream
The stream containing the PDF document from which to extract the images
Type: SystemInt32
The start page number
See Also
