Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelChartWorksheetsCollectionAddChartWorksheet Method

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation
Overload List

Public methodAddChartWorksheet(ExcelChartType)
Use this type of constructor when the series will be manually added to the chart, otherwise use the constructor accepting the data source range parameter. Adds a new chart worksheet with the default name to the collection without specifying the data source range.
Public methodAddChartWorksheet(ExcelChartType, String)
Use this type of constructor when the series will be manually added to the chart, otherwise use the constructor accepting the data source range parameter. Adds a new chart worksheet with the specified name to the collection without specifying the data source range.
Public methodAddChartWorksheet(ExcelChartType, ExcelRange, Boolean)
Adds a new chart worksheet with a default name to the collection. The data source range of the chart is specified as the dataSourceRange parameter. The chart series are automatically generated from the the data source.
Public methodAddChartWorksheet(ExcelChartType, ExcelRange, Boolean, String)
Adds a new chart worksheet with the specified name to the collection. The data source range of the chart is specified as the dataSourceRange parameter. The chart series are automatically generated from the the data source.
See Also
