Winnovative Excel Library Namespace
Class | Description | |
ExcelCellAlignment |
Represents the alignment style options of the text in a cell.
| |
ExcelCellBorder |
Represents one of the borders of a range or style
| |
ExcelCellBordersCollection |
Represents a collection of four borders of a Range or a Style. A border index can be used to identify the
Border object
| |
ExcelCellFill |
Represents the interior style of a cell or range of cells.
| |
ExcelCellFillGradient |
Represents a gradient fill options for a cell or range.
| |
ExcelCellFillPattern |
Represents the pattern fill of a cell interior
| |
ExcelCellFillSolid |
Represents the solid fill for a cell interior.
| |
ExcelCellNumber |
Represents the number format options for a cell or a range of cells.
| |
ExcelCellProtection |
Represents the protection options for a cell or a range of cells.
| |
ExcelCellStyle |
Represents the style of a cell or a range of cells.
| |
ExcelCellStylesCollection |
Represents a collection of cell styles. The ExcelWorkbook offers such a collection containing all the styles created in the workbook.
| |
ExcelChart |
Represents a chart shape in a worksheet.
| |
ExcelChartArea |
Represents an area in an Excel chart.
| |
ExcelChartCategoryAxis |
Represents the category axis (horizontal axis) of a chart
| |
ExcelChartDataPoint |
Represents a data point in the chart.
| |
ExcelChartDataPointLabel |
Represents the label of a chart data point
| |
ExcelChartDataPointsCollection |
Represents a collection of data points in a chart series
| |
ExcelChartDataTable |
Represents the formatting options for the chart data table.
| |
ExcelChartFormattedText |
Represents a formatted text area in a chart.
| |
ExcelChartInterior |
Represents the interior of a chart element
| |
ExcelChartLegend |
Represents the legend of a chart.
| |
ExcelChartLegendEntriesCollection |
Represents the collection of legend entries for a picture.
| |
ExcelChartLegendEntry |
Represents and entry in the chart legend.
| |
ExcelChartLine |
Represents the border of a chart element
| |
ExcelChartRotation3D |
Represents the rotation properties for a 3D chart.
| |
ExcelChartsCollection |
Represents the collection of charts in a worksheet
| |
ExcelChartSeries |
Represents a data series in a Excel chart
| |
ExcelChartSeriesAxis |
Represents the series axis (depth axis) of a chart
| |
ExcelChartSeriesCollection |
Represents a collection of chart series.
| |
ExcelChartValueAxis |
Represents the value axis (vertical axis) of a chart
| |
ExcelChartWorksheet |
Represents a chart worksheet.
| |
ExcelChartWorksheetPageSetup |
Represents the chart worksheet page setup
| |
ExcelChartWorksheetsCollection |
Represents a colection of chart worksheets in a workbook.
| |
ExcelColorsPalette |
Represents the Excel colors palette.
| |
ExcelComment |
Represents a comment in a mec.
| |
ExcelCommentsCollection |
Represents a collection of comments in a worksheet
| |
ExcelDataValidator |
Represents a data type validator for a range of cells.
| |
ExcelDocumentProperties |
The document properties like title, subject, keywords, author, etc.
| |
ExcelDocumentSecurity |
Manage the document security like workbook structure and windows protection, open/write password protection.
| |
ExcelFont |
Represents a font in the Excel workbook
| |
ExcelHyperlink |
Represents a hyperlink in the worksheet hyperlinks collection.
| |
ExcelHyperlinksCollection |
Represents a collection of hyperlinks
| |
ExcelLibException |
Exception thrown by the Excel library
| |
ExcelNamedRange |
Represents a named range in a worksheet. Named ranges can be added to the worksheet or workbook named ranges collection.
| |
ExcelNamedRangesCollection |
Represents a collection of named ranges. The ExcelWorksheet and ExcelWorkbook define such collections.
| |
ExcelPageBreak |
Represents a horizontal or vertical page break in worksheet
| |
ExcelPageBreaksCollection |
Represents a collection of page breaks.
| |
ExcelPageSetup |
Represents the Excel page setup.
| |
ExcelPicture |
Represents a picture in a worksheet.
| |
ExcelPicturesCollection |
Represents a collection of picture in a worksheet.
| |
ExcelRange |
Represents a range of cells in a worksheet
| |
ExcelRangesCollection |
Represents a collection of ranges in a worksheet.
| |
ExcelShapeFill |
Represents the interior of a shape
| |
ExcelShapeFillGradient |
Represents a gradient fill options for a shape.
| |
ExcelShapeFillPattern |
Represents the pattern fill of a shape interior.
| |
ExcelShapeFillPicture |
Represents a picture fill of a shape interior.
| |
ExcelShapeFillSolid |
Represents the solid fill for a shape interior.
| |
ExcelShapeFillTexture |
Represents the texture fill of a shape interior.
| |
ExcelUnitsConverter |
Utility class to convert between various Excel measurement units (points, pixels, width characters)
| |
ExcelWorkbook |
The Excel Workbook
| |
ExcelWorkbookDefaultSettings |
A class encapsulating the default options (font, row height, column width) for a newly created workbook.
| |
ExcelWorksheet |
Excel Worksheet
| |
ExcelWorksheetPageSetup |
Represents the Excel page setup for a worksheet.
| |
ExcelWorksheetsCollection |
Represents the collection of Excel worksheets in a workbook
| |
ExcelWorksheetSecurity |
Manages the security options for a worksheet.
Enumeration | Description | |
ExcelCellBorderIndex |
Specifies the index of the border to be retrieved from a borders collection.
| |
ExcelCellFillPatternType |
The interior pattern of a cell
| |
ExcelCellFillType |
Represents the type of interior for cell or range of cells.
| |
ExcelCellHorizontalAlignmentType |
The horizontal alignment of data in a cell
| |
ExcelCellLineStyle |
Enumeration of the border line styles for cells in Excel.
| |
ExcelCellTextDirectionType |
Specifies the reading order for the cell
| |
ExcelCellUnderlineType |
Represents the underline style of the text in a cell
| |
ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType |
The vertical alignment of data in a cell
| |
ExcelChartAxisLabelPosition |
Represents the axis labels position from the chart axis
| |
ExcelChartCategoryAxisType |
Represents the type of the category axis of a chart
| |
ExcelChartLegendPosition |
Represents the chart legend position in chart area.
| |
ExcelChartLineType |
Represents the type of line for a chart element border.
| |
ExcelChartLineWeightType |
Represents the weight of a chart border line
| |
ExcelChartTickMarkType |
Represents the chart axis tick marks type
| |
ExcelChartTimeUnit |
Represents the time unit for category axis
| |
ExcelChartType |
Enumeration of the Chart types in Excel.
| |
ExcelChartValueDisplayUnits |
The display units for the value axis.
| |
ExcelDataValidatorDataType |
Represents the data types allowed by a data validator.
| |
ExcelDataValidatorErrorStyle |
Represents the style of the error alert for data validator.
| |
ExcelDataValidatorOperator |
Represents a comparison operator used by a data validator.
| |
ExcelDeleteShiftDirection |
Describes how the cells are shifted to replace deleted cells.
| |
ExcelGradientColors |
Represents the colors mode of a gradient
| |
ExcelGradientDirection |
Represents the possible directions of the gradient
| |
ExcelGradientVariants |
Represents the variants for a gradient direction.
| |
ExcelGroupBy |
Describes how to group the range.
| |
ExcelHyperlinkType |
Represents the type of URL in a worksheet.
| |
ExcelNamedRangeScopeType |
Represents the scope of a named range.
| |
ExcelPageBreakType |
Represents the type of pae break (horizontal or vertical).
| |
ExcelPageOrientation |
Represents the page orientation of a worksheet.
| |
ExcelPagePaperSize |
Represents the paper size for an Excel document.
| |
ExcelPagePrintCommLocation |
Represents the location where the comments in a worksheet will be printed.
| |
ExcelPagePrintErrorsMode |
Represents the mode of printing errors.
| |
ExcelPagePrintOrder |
Specifies the order in which cells are processed.
| |
ExcelProtectionAllowFlags |
The allowed operations for a protected worksheet.
| |
ExcelShapeFillPatternType |
Represents the possible patterns of shape interior.
| |
ExcelShapeFillPresetGradientType |
Represents the available preset gradients
| |
ExcelShapeFillTextureType |
Represents the possible textures of the shape interior.
| |
ExcelShapeFillType |
Represents the type of interior of a shape.
| |
ExcelWorkbookFormat |
The Excel workbook format