Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelPicturesCollectionAddPicture Method

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation
Overload List

Public methodAddPicture(Int32, Int32, Image)
Adds a picture to the collection. The location of the picture inside the worksheet is specified by the left column and the top row parameters.
Public methodAddPicture(Int32, Int32, String)
Adds a picture from file to the pictures collection. The location of the picture inside the worksheet is specified by the left column and the top row parameters.
Public methodAddPicture(Int32, Int32, Image, Int32, Int32)
Adds a picture to the collection. The location and the size of the picture inside the worksheet are specified by the left column, top row, width scale and height scale parameters.
Public methodAddPicture(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Image)
Adds a picture to the collection. The location and the size of the picture inside the worksheet are specified by the left column, top row, right column and bottom row parameters.
Public methodAddPicture(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Adds a picture to the collection. The location and the size of the picture inside the worksheet are specified by the left column, top row, right column and bottom row parameters.
Public methodAddPicture(Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Int32)
Adds a picture to the collection. The location and the size of the picture inside the worksheet are specified by the left column, top row, width scale and height scale parameters.
See Also
