Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelChartWorksheet Properties

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation

The ExcelChartWorksheet type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCategoryAxis
Gets the category axis of this chart.
Public propertyChartArea
Gets the chart area. The returned object can be used to set the border and the interior of the chart area.
Public propertyChartType
Gets or sets the chart type
Public propertyDataSourceRange
Gets or sets the data source range of the chart
Public propertyDataTable
Gets an object that can be used to set the chart data table options.
Public propertyLegend
Gets the chart legend.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of chart worksheet.
Public propertyPageSetup
Gets the chart worksheet page setup options (paper size, page orientation, etc.).
Public propertyPlotArea
Gets the chart plot area. The returned object can be used to set the border and the interior of the chart plot area.
Public propertyRotation3D
Gets the 3D chart rotation properties. The returned object can be used to set the X and Y axes rotation, perspective, depth and height of a 3D chart.
Public propertySeries
Gets the data series collection of this chart.
Public propertySeriesAxis
Gets the series axis of this chart.
Public propertySeriesByRows
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the chart series are created from the data source range rows or columns. The data source range can be specified when the chart is added to the worksheet. When this flag is true the series are created from rows otherwise from columns.
Public propertySheetIndex
Gets the index of this chart worksheet in the workbook sheets collection.
Public propertyShowDataTable
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the chart data table is displayed.
Public propertyTitle
Gets the chart title box. The returned object can be used to set the chart title text, font, color, background and pattern.
Public propertyValueAxis
Gets the value axis of this chart.
Public propertyWorkbook
Gets the workbook of this chart worksheet.
See Also
