Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelShapeFillGradient Properties

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation

The ExcelShapeFillGradient type exposes the following members.


Public propertyColor1
Gets or sets the first color of the gradient
Public propertyColor1Index
Gets or sets the index in Excel palette of first color of the gradient
Public propertyColor2
Gets or sets the second color of the gradient
Public propertyColor2Index
Gets or sets the index in Excel palette of second color of the gradient
Public propertyGradientColorsMode
Gets a sets the gradient colors mode. If this property is set to Preset the preset gradient is taken from the PresetGradient property.
Public propertyGradientDirection
Gets or sets gradient direction.
Public propertyGradientDirectionVariant
Gets or sets the variant for a gradient direction.
Public propertyPresetGradientType
Gets or sets the preset gradient. This property has effect when the ColorMode property is set to Preset
See Also
