Represents a range of cells in a worksheet
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Winnovative.ExcelLib
Assembly: wnvxls (in wnvxls.dll) Version: (
The ExcelRange type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Address |
Gets the range reference in A1 notation and in the language of the macro.
| |
BooleanValue |
Gets or sets the boolean value of the range. Returns false if the range cells don't contain
a boolean value or the boolean value is not the same in all the cells. Setting this property has the same
effect as setting the Value property with a Boolean value.
| |
BottomRowIndex |
Returns the zero based index of the last row of the specified range.
| |
Cells |
Gets the cells in this range.
| |
Columns |
Gets an array of ExcelRangeColumn objects representing the columns in this specified range.
| |
ColumnWidthInChars |
Gets or sets the width in characters of the columns in the range.
| |
Comment |
Gets the comment of this range or null if no comment was assigned to this range.
The range is expected to contain a single cell otherwise the comment of the top left cell of the range will be returned.
| |
Count |
Gets the number of cells in range
| |
DataValidator |
Gets the data validator object of this range.
| |
DateTimeValue |
Gets or sets the DateTime value of the range. Returns DateTime.MinValue if the range cells don't contain
a DateTime or the DateTime value is not the same in all the cells. Setting this property has the same
effect as setting the Value property with a DateTime value.
| |
ErrorValue |
Gets or sets the error of this range. Returns null if the range cells don't contain
an error value or the error value is not the same in all the cells.
When this property is set with a string value which is not an error string an exception will be thrown.
| |
Formula |
Gets or sets the formula of the range in A1 notation.
| |
FormulaArray |
Gets or sets array formula of the range in A1 notation.
| |
FormulaArrayR1C1 |
Gets or sets array formula of the range in A1 notation.
| |
FormulaR1C1 |
Gets or sets the formula of the range in R1C1 notation.
| |
FormulaResultBooleanValue |
Gets or sets the calculated result of the formula of this range as a Boolean value.
| |
FormulaResultDateTimeValue |
Gets or sets the calculated result of the formula of this range as a DateTime value.
| |
FormulaResultErrorValue |
Gets or sets the calculated result of the formula of this range as an Error value.
| |
FormulaResultNumberValue |
Gets or sets the calculated result of the formula of this range as a Double value.
| |
FormulaResultText |
Gets or sets the calculated result of the formula of this range as a String value.
| |
FormulaResultValue |
Gets or sets the calculated result of the formula of this range.
| |
HasDataValidator |
Gets a value indicating if the range has a data validator.
| |
HasDefaultStyle |
Gets a value indicating if the specified range was set with a style different from the default style.
True means all the range cells have the default style.
| |
Hyperlinks |
Gets the collection of hyperlinks of this range
| |
IsArrayFormula |
Gets a flag indicating if all the cells in the range contain an array formula.
| |
IsBoolean |
Gets a flag indicating if all the cells in the range are of boolean type.
| |
IsEmpty |
Gets a flag indicating if all the cells in the range are empty.
| |
IsError |
Gets a flag indicating if all the cells in the range contain an error string.
| |
IsFormula |
Gets a flag indicating if all the cells in the range contain a formula.
| |
IsFormulaResultBoolean |
Gets a flag indicating if the result of the formulas in all the cells in the range are of Boolean type.
| |
IsFormulaResultError |
Gets a flag indicating if the result of the formulas in all the cells in the range are of Error type.
| |
IsFormulaResultNumber |
Gets a flag indicating if the result of the formulas in all the cells in the range are of Double type.
| |
IsFormulaResultString |
Gets a flag indicating if the result of the formulas in all the cells in the range are of String type.
| |
IsNumber |
Gets a flag indicating if all the cells in the range are of number type.
| |
IsString |
Gets a flag indicating if all the cells in the range are of string type.
| |
LeftColumnIndex |
Returns the zero based index of the first column of the specified range.
| |
MergeArea |
Gets a merged Range object containing the specified cell or null if the specified cell
is not part of a merged range
| |
NumberValue |
Gets or sets the number value of the range. Returns Double.Nan if the range cells don't contain
a number or the number value is not the same in all the cells. Setting this property has the same
effect as setting the Value property with a Double value.
| |
RightColumnIndex |
Returns the zero based index of the last column of the specified range.
| |
RowHeightInPoints |
Gets or sets the height in points of the rows in the range.
| |
Rows |
Gets an array of Range objects representing the rows in this specified range.
| |
Style |
Gets or sets the style of the cell or range of cells. The property can be assigned with an existing style from the workbook styles collection.
The returned object can be used to set the Number, Borders, Font, Fill, Allignment and Protection options.
| |
StyleName |
Gets or sets the name of the style of the cell or range of cells. This can be the name of a user defined style or a predefined style.
| |
Text |
Gets or sets the string value of the range. Returns null if the cell does not contain text or
the text is not the same in all the rane cells.
| |
TopRowIndex |
Returns the zero based index of the first row of the specified range.
| |
Value |
Gets or sets the cell value as an object. The setter will determine the value type (Boolean, DateTime or Number)
from the specified object type. If it's not one these types range will be set with a Text value.
If you simply want to set the range with a text you can use the Text property of the Range object.
If you want to set a range with a formula string you can use the Formula or FormulaArray properties.
If you want to set a range with an Error value you can use the ErrorValue property.
If you want to disable the parsing of the string values and simply set the cell value to the specified string
you can set ExcelWorksheet.ParseValueString = false.
| |
Worksheet |
Gets the worksheet of this range
Name | Description | |
AddComment |
Adds the comment with the specified text to this range.
The range is expected to contain a single cell otherwise the comment will be placed on the top left cell of the range.
| |
AutofitColumns |
Changes the width of the range columns to achieve the best fit for the cells content.
| |
AutofitRows |
Changes the height of the range rows to achieve the best fit for the cells content.
| |
Clear |
Clears the range content and the cells formatting
| |
ClearContents |
Clears the range content but leaves the cells formatting
| |
Copy |
Copies this range to the specified destination range.
| |
Delete |
Deletes the cell in the range and shifts cells up to replace the deleted cells.
| |
Delete(ExcelDeleteShiftDirection) |
Deletes the cell in the range and shifts cells in the specified direction to replace the deleted cells.
| |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
FreezePanes |
Freezes panes to keep row and column labels visible when the worksheet is scrolled.
To lock rows select the row below where you want the freeze to appear (e.g. The range "A5" will freeze the rows from 1 to 4).
To lock columns select the column to the right of where you want the split to appear (e.g. The range "D1" will freeze the columns A, B and C).
To lock both rows and columns select the cell below and to the right of where you want the split to appear
(e.g. The range "D5" will freeze the rows from 1 to 4 and the columns A, B and C).
| |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Group(ExcelGroupBy) |
Groups the range by rows or columns function of the groupBy parameter.
| |
Group(ExcelGroupBy, Boolean) |
Groups the range by rows or columns function of the groupBy parameter.
| |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Merge |
Merge the cells in this range in a merged area.
| |
Move |
Moves the range to the specified destination range.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
UnGroup |
Ungroups the range.
| |
UnMerge |
Separates a merged range into individual cells.
See Also