protected void lnkBtnCreateWorkbook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// get the Excel workbook format
ExcelWorkbookFormat workbookFormat = radioXlsFormat.Checked ? ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003 :
// create the workbook in the desired format with a single worksheet
ExcelWorkbook workbook = new ExcelWorkbook(workbookFormat);
// set the license key before saving the workbook
workbook.LicenseKey = "RW51ZXZ0ZXVldGt1ZXZ0a3R3a3x8fHw=";
// set workbook description properties
workbook.DocumentProperties.Subject = "Images demo";
workbook.DocumentProperties.Comments =
"Add images to an Excel worksheet using Winnovative Excel library
for .NET";
#region Add a style used for the cells in the worksheet title area
ExcelCellStyle titleStyle = workbook.Styles.AddStyle("WorksheetTitleStyle");
// center the text in the title area
titleStyle.Alignment.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelCellHorizontalAlignmentType.Center;
titleStyle.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType.Center;
// set the title area borders
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom].Color = Color.Green;
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top].Color = Color.Green;
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left].Color = Color.Green;
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right].Color = Color.Green;
titleStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium;
if (workbookFormat == ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003)
// set the solid fill for the title area range with a custom color
titleStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
titleStyle.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204);
// set the gradient fill for the title area range with a custom color
titleStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.GradientFill;
titleStyle.Fill.GradientFillOptions.Color1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204);
titleStyle.Fill.GradientFillOptions.Color2 = Color.White;
// set the title area font
titleStyle.Font.Size = 14;
titleStyle.Font.Bold = true;
titleStyle.Font.UnderlineType = ExcelCellUnderlineType.Single;
#region Add a style used for text messages
ExcelCellStyle textMessageStyle = workbook.Styles.AddStyle("TextMessageStyle");
textMessageStyle.Font.Size = 10;
textMessageStyle.Font.Bold = true;
textMessageStyle.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType.Center;
textMessageStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
textMessageStyle.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 255);
textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
textMessageStyle.Borders[ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right].LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin;
// get the first worksheet in the workbook
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
// set the default worksheet name
worksheet.Name = "Images Demo";
// set worksheet paper size and orientation, margins, header and footer
worksheet.PageSetup.PaperSize = ExcelPagePaperSize.PaperA4;
worksheet.PageSetup.Orientation = ExcelPageOrientation.Portrait;
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 1;
worksheet.PageSetup.RightMargin = 1;
worksheet.PageSetup.TopMargin = 1;
worksheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 1;
// add header and footer
//display a logo image in the left part of the header
string imagesPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), @"Images");
System.Drawing.Image logoImg = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagesPath, "logo.jpg"));
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderFormat = "&G";
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture = logoImg;
// display worksheet name in the right part of the header
worksheet.PageSetup.RightHeaderFormat = "&A";
// add worksheet header and footer
// display the page number in the center part of the footer
worksheet.PageSetup.CenterFooterFormat = "&P";
// display the workbook file name in the left part of the footer
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterFormat = "&F";
// display the current date in the right part of the footer
worksheet.PageSetup.RightFooterFormat = "&D";
// merge the cells in the range to create the title area
// gets the merged range containing the top left cell of the range
ExcelRange titleRange = worksheet["A2"].MergeArea;
// set the text of title area
worksheet["A2"].Text = "Adding Images to
an Excel Worksheet";
// set a row height of 18 points for each row in the range
titleRange.RowHeightInPoints = 18;
// set the worksheet top title style
titleRange.Style = titleStyle;
string demoImagesPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), @"Images");
System.Drawing.Image demoImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagesPath,
#region Add an image at real size
worksheet[5, 1, 5, 7].Merge();
worksheet[5, 1, 5, 7].Style = textMessageStyle;
worksheet[5, 1, 5, 7].RowHeightInPoints = 25;
worksheet[5, 1].Value = "Add an image at real size :";
// add an image specifing the top left corner
ExcelPicture demoExcelPicture = worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(1, 7, demoImage);
int leftColumnIndex = demoExcelPicture.LeftColumnIndex;
int topRowIndex = demoExcelPicture.TopRowIndex;
int rightColumnIndex = demoExcelPicture.RightColumnIndex;
int bottomRowIndex = demoExcelPicture.BottomRowIndex;
string excelPictureSumary = String.Format(
"Left Column: {0}, Top Row: {1}, Right Column: {2}, Bottom Row: {3}",
leftColumnIndex, topRowIndex, rightColumnIndex, bottomRowIndex);
ExcelRange summaryTextRange = worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 1, 1, bottomRowIndex + 1, 7];
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
summaryTextRange.Style.Font.Bold = true;
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 1, 1].Value = excelPictureSumary;
#region Add an image scaled at specified percentage
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7].Merge();
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7].Style = textMessageStyle;
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7].RowHeightInPoints = 25;
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1].Value = "Add an image scaled at 75%
ExcelPicture demoScaledExcelPicture = worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(1, bottomRowIndex + 6,
demoImage, 75, 75);
leftColumnIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.LeftColumnIndex;
topRowIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.TopRowIndex;
rightColumnIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.RightColumnIndex;
bottomRowIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.BottomRowIndex;
excelPictureSumary = String.Format(
"Left Column: {0}, Top Row: {1}, Right Column: {2}, Bottom Row: {3}",
leftColumnIndex, topRowIndex, rightColumnIndex, bottomRowIndex);
summaryTextRange = worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 1, 1, bottomRowIndex + 1, 7];
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
summaryTextRange.Style.Font.Bold = true;
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 1, 1].Value = excelPictureSumary;
#region Add an image in a specified range
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7].Merge();
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7].Style = textMessageStyle;
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7].RowHeightInPoints = 25;
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 4, 1].Value = "Add an image in a specified
range - Aspect ratio is not be preserved :";
ExcelPicture demoRangeExcelPicture = worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(1, bottomRowIndex + 6, 5,
bottomRowIndex + 28, demoImage);
leftColumnIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.LeftColumnIndex;
topRowIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.TopRowIndex;
rightColumnIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.RightColumnIndex;
bottomRowIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.BottomRowIndex;
excelPictureSumary = String.Format(
"Left Column: {0}, Top Row: {1}, Right Column: {2}, Bottom Row: {3}",
leftColumnIndex, topRowIndex, rightColumnIndex, bottomRowIndex);
summaryTextRange = worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 1, 1, bottomRowIndex + 1, 7];
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill;
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
summaryTextRange.Style.Font.Bold = true;
worksheet[bottomRowIndex + 1, 1].Value = excelPictureSumary;
// Save the Excel document in the current HTTP response stream
string outFileName = workbookFormat == ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003 ? "ImagesDemo.xls" :
System.Web.HttpResponse httpResponse = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response;
// Prepare the HTTP response stream for saving the Excel document
// Clear any data that might have been previously buffered in the
output stream
// Set output stream content type for Excel 97-2003 (.xls) or Excel
2007 (.xlsx)
if (workbookFormat == ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003)
httpResponse.ContentType = "Application/x-msexcel";
httpResponse.ContentType = "Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
// Add the HTTP header to announce the Excel document either as an
attachment or inline
httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}", outFileName));
// Save the workbook to the current HTTP response output stream
// and close the workbook after save to release all the allocated
catch (Exception ex)
// report any error that might occur during save
Session["ErrorMessage"] = ex.Message;
// close the workbook and release the allocated resources
#region Dispose the Image object
if (logoImg != null)
// End the response and finish the execution of this page
Protected Sub lnkBtnCreateWorkbook_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles lnkBtnCreateWorkbook.Click
' get the Excel workbook format
Dim workbookFormat As ExcelWorkbookFormat
If radioXlsFormat.Checked Then
workbookFormat = ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003
workbookFormat = ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xlsx_2007
End If
' create the workbook in the desired format with a single worksheet
Dim workbook As ExcelWorkbook = New ExcelWorkbook(workbookFormat)
' set the license key before saving the workbook
workbook.LicenseKey = "RW51ZXZ0ZXVldGt1ZXZ0a3R3a3x8fHw="
' set workbook description properties
workbook.DocumentProperties.Subject = "Images demo"
workbook.DocumentProperties.Comments =
"Add images to an Excel worksheet using Winnovative Excel library
for .NET"
' Add a style used for the cells in the worksheet title area
Dim titleStyle As ExcelCellStyle = workbook.Styles.AddStyle("WorksheetTitleStyle")
' center the text in the title area
titleStyle.Alignment.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelCellHorizontalAlignmentType.Center
titleStyle.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType.Center
' set the title area borders
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom).Color = Color.Green
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top).Color = Color.Green
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left).Color = Color.Green
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right).Color = Color.Green
titleStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Medium
If workbookFormat = ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003 Then
' set the solid fill for the title area range with a custom color
titleStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill
titleStyle.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204)
' set the gradient fill for the title area range with a custom color
titleStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.GradientFill
titleStyle.Fill.GradientFillOptions.Color1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 204)
titleStyle.Fill.GradientFillOptions.Color2 = Color.White
End If
' set the title area font
titleStyle.Font.Size = 14
titleStyle.Font.Bold = True
titleStyle.Font.UnderlineType = ExcelCellUnderlineType.Single
' Add a style used for text messages
Dim textMessageStyle As ExcelCellStyle = workbook.Styles.AddStyle("TextMessageStyle")
textMessageStyle.Font.Size = 10
textMessageStyle.Font.Bold = True
textMessageStyle.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = ExcelCellVerticalAlignmentType.Center
textMessageStyle.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill
textMessageStyle.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 255)
textMessageStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Bottom).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin
textMessageStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Top).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin
textMessageStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Left).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin
textMessageStyle.Borders.Item(ExcelCellBorderIndex.Right).LineStyle = ExcelCellLineStyle.Thin
' get the first worksheet in the workbook
Dim worksheet As ExcelWorksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Item(0)
' set the default worksheet name
worksheet.Name = "Images Demo"
' set worksheet paper size and orientation, margins, header and footer
worksheet.PageSetup.PaperSize = ExcelPagePaperSize.PaperA4
worksheet.PageSetup.Orientation = ExcelPageOrientation.Portrait
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 1
worksheet.PageSetup.RightMargin = 1
worksheet.PageSetup.TopMargin = 1
worksheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 1
' add header and footer
'display a logo image in the left part of the header
Dim imagesPath As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "Images")
Dim logoImg As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagesPath, "logo.jpg"))
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderFormat = "&G"
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftHeaderPicture = logoImg
' display worksheet name in the right part of the header
worksheet.PageSetup.RightHeaderFormat = "&A"
' add worksheet header and footer
' display the page number in the center part of the footer
worksheet.PageSetup.CenterFooterFormat = "&P"
' display the workbook file name in the left part of the footer
worksheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterFormat = "&F"
' display the current date in the right part of the footer
worksheet.PageSetup.RightFooterFormat = "&D"
' merge the cells in the range to create the title area
' gets the merged range containing the top left cell of the range
Dim titleRange As ExcelRange = worksheet.Item("A2").MergeArea
' set the text of title area
worksheet.Item("A2").Text = "Adding Images
to an Excel Worksheet"
' set a row height of 18 points for each row in the range
titleRange.RowHeightInPoints = 18
' set the worksheet top title style
titleRange.Style = titleStyle
Dim demoImagesPath As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "Images")
Dim demoImage As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagesPath,
' Add an image at real size
worksheet.Item(5, 1, 5, 7).Merge()
worksheet.Item(5, 1, 5, 7).Style = textMessageStyle
worksheet.Item(5, 1, 5, 7).RowHeightInPoints = 25
worksheet.Item(5, 1).Value = "Add an image at real size :"
' add an image specifing the top left corner
Dim demoExcelPicture As ExcelPicture = worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(1, 7, demoImage)
Dim leftColumnIndex As Integer = demoExcelPicture.LeftColumnIndex
Dim topRowIndex As Integer = demoExcelPicture.TopRowIndex
Dim rightColumnIndex As Integer = demoExcelPicture.RightColumnIndex
Dim bottomRowIndex As Integer = demoExcelPicture.BottomRowIndex
Dim excelPictureSumary As String = String.Format(
"Left Column: {0}, Top Row: {1}, Right Column: {2}, Bottom Row: {3}",
leftColumnIndex, topRowIndex, rightColumnIndex, bottomRowIndex)
Dim summaryTextRange As ExcelRange = worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 1, 1, bottomRowIndex + 1, 7)
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
summaryTextRange.Style.Font.Bold = True
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 1, 1).Value = excelPictureSumary
' Add an image scaled at specified percentage
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7).Merge()
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7).Style = textMessageStyle
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7).RowHeightInPoints = 25
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1).Value = "Add an image scaled
at 75% :"
Dim demoScaledExcelPicture As ExcelPicture = worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(1, bottomRowIndex + 6,
demoImage, 75, 75)
leftColumnIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.LeftColumnIndex
topRowIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.TopRowIndex
rightColumnIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.RightColumnIndex
bottomRowIndex = demoScaledExcelPicture.BottomRowIndex
excelPictureSumary = String.Format(
"Left Column: {0}, Top Row: {1}, Right Column: {2}, Bottom Row: {3}",
leftColumnIndex, topRowIndex, rightColumnIndex, bottomRowIndex)
summaryTextRange = worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 1, 1, bottomRowIndex + 1, 7)
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
summaryTextRange.Style.Font.Bold = True
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 1, 1).Value = excelPictureSumary
' Add an image in a specified range
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7).Merge()
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7).Style = textMessageStyle
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1, bottomRowIndex + 4, 7).RowHeightInPoints = 25
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 4, 1).Value =
"Add an image in a specified range - Aspect ratio is not be preserved
Dim demoRangeExcelPicture As ExcelPicture = worksheet.Pictures.AddPicture(1, bottomRowIndex + 6, 5,
bottomRowIndex + 28, demoImage)
leftColumnIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.LeftColumnIndex
topRowIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.TopRowIndex
rightColumnIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.RightColumnIndex
bottomRowIndex = demoRangeExcelPicture.BottomRowIndex
excelPictureSumary = String.Format(
"Left Column: {0}, Top Row: {1}, Right Column: {2}, Bottom Row: {3}",
leftColumnIndex, topRowIndex, rightColumnIndex, bottomRowIndex)
summaryTextRange = worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 1, 1, bottomRowIndex + 1, 7)
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.FillType = ExcelCellFillType.SolidFill
summaryTextRange.Style.Fill.SolidFillOptions.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
summaryTextRange.Style.Font.Bold = True
worksheet.Item(bottomRowIndex + 1, 1).Value = excelPictureSumary
' Save the Excel document in the current HTTP response stream
Dim outFileName As String
If workbookFormat = ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003 Then
outFileName = "ImagesDemo.xls"
outFileName = "ImagesDemo.xlsx"
End If
Dim httpResponse As System.Web.HttpResponse = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response
' Prepare the HTTP response stream for saving the Excel document
' Clear any data that might have been previously buffered in the output
' Set output stream content type for Excel 97-2003 (.xls) or Excel
2007 (.xlsx)
If workbookFormat = ExcelWorkbookFormat.Xls_2003 Then
httpResponse.ContentType = "Application/x-msexcel"
httpResponse.ContentType = "Application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
End If
' Add the HTTP header to announce the Excel document either as an
attachment or inline
httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}", outFileName))
' Save the workbook to the current HTTP response output stream
' and close the workbook after save to release all the allocated resources
Catch ex As Exception
' report any error that might occur during save
Session.Item("ErrorMessage") = ex.Message
' close the workbook and release the allocated resources
' Dispose the Image object
If Not logoImg Is Nothing Then
End If
End Try
' End the response and finish the execution of this page
End Sub