Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelWorksheetGetDataTable Method (ExcelRange, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation
Gets a System.Data.DataTable object from the specified source range. If the getColumnNames parameter is true the first row of the range will be used to obtain names for the DataTable columns. If the getFormulaResult parameter is true the result values of the formulas evaluation will be exported If the getColumnDataTypes is true the data type of the first value of the range column will give the data type of the corresponding column in the resulted DataTable.

Namespace:  Winnovative.ExcelLib
Assembly:  wnvxls (in wnvxls.dll) Version: (

public DataTable GetDataTable(
	ExcelRange sourceRange,
	bool getColumnNames,
	bool getColumnDataTypes,
	bool getFormulaResult


Type: Winnovative.ExcelLibExcelRange
The worksheet range from where to get the values.
Type: SystemBoolean
If this parameter is true the first row of the range will be used to obtain names for the DataTable columns.
Type: SystemBoolean
If this parameter is true the data type of the first value of the range column will give the data type of the corresponding column in the resulted DataTable.
Type: SystemBoolean
If the getFormulaResult parameter is true the result values of the formulas evaluation will be exported

Return Value

Type: DataTable
The resulted DataTable.
See Also
